Mystery Hand Punch

Mystery Hand Punch

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This recipe will be a hit with kids and adults alike. The frozen "hand" is sure to scare anyone daring to take a drink of this mysterious punch.
To make the punch, you need:

1/4 cup lemon juice
1 teaspoon ground ginger
2 quarts cider or apple juice
3 cups water
1 can (12 ounces) frozen orange juice concentrate

In a large pitcher or gallon size glass jar, stir lemon juice and ginger until blended. Add cider or apple juice, water and orange juice concentrate and stir until blended.
Cover and chill at least 1 hour. To serve cold, place punch in a large chilled punch bowl. Add frozen hand (see below).
To make frozen hand:

Food coloring
Rubber Glove

Add food coloring to water until you've reached the desired color.
Fill glove with water, fastening end with a twist tie or rubber band.
Hang glove from a shelf in the freezer and freeze overnight.
When frozen, pull glove from ice and place the hand in the punch.

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